NINCO Membership & Work Stream Updates

NINCo is appreciative of its engaged and diverse membership, which reflects a range of healthcare expertise. Our members, who range in experience from seasoned experts in healthcare to up-and-coming leaders, add to the NINCo collaborative spirit. There are 65 members who actively take part in the three Streams across the 31 PHNs and contribute a distinct perspective while creating a rich environment that encourages learning, insight sharing and continual quality improvement in primary care.

The NINCo Members List is available for all the members: NINCo Members List

Stream 1 – National Quality Improvement Approach & Evidence Base Development Update

Stream 1 will have bi-weekly meetings until the work plan and KPIs are established, shifting to monthly sessions. Currently, the representation is heavily Queensland-focused, and they will appreciate member diversity. Presentations have been invited from WAPHA and WentWest to help the group understand data initiatives. The initial focus is to understand the existing QI resources and approaches across PHNs. The aim of the stream is to leverage previous work, creating a repository and developing consistent templates and resources. The goal is a uniform Evaluation and Measurement Framework for CQI. Collaborating with the members, the stream will document their work plan and priorities for achieving stream objectives.

Stream 2 – Workforce Capacity Enhancement Update

Stream 2 will be meeting fortnightly from February 2024, on Thursdays. The Stream is the designated advisory group on the initiative of LMS, QI 101 and ISIA. There is also a focus on updating QI initiative calendars for better collaboration, aiming for a shared network calendar. The stream has further subdivided into subgroups for more ownership and a collaborative approach. Key actions include establishing a shared QI events/webinars calendar, and QI101/ISIA/LMS governance group updates. The agenda also emphasizes consistent membership with increased representation from other states. The next steps involve developing a list of QI projects from all PHNs for continuing the community of practice initiative.

Stream 3 – My Medicare QI Update

The NINCo Stream 3 members have finalised and submitted the Stream 3 Workplan to the Steering Committee for approval. The work plan notably emphasises development of QI resources to support participation in MyMedicare. A Voluntary Patient Registration (VPR) Clinical Audit has been submitted to RACGP QLD CPD faculty for assessment. The VPR clinical audit and QI toolkit focuses on identification of patients with high complexity and most at risk of poor health outcomes and who would benefit from early participation in MyMedicare. Once approved, during February the VPR clinical audit and QI toolkit will be piloted by 3 GPs (1 with access to Primary Sense, 1 with access to Polar, and 1 with access to PenCS CAT). The VPR QI toolkit and the content for a VPR.

MyMedicare QI resources recently developed include: