Terms & Conditions

National Improvement Network Collaborative (NINCo) manages the NINCo Website (www.ninco.com.au).

The service is operated by Primary Care Gold Coast Limited (ACN 152 953 092) ?? trading as National Improvement Network Collaborative (NINCo).

By using the website you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (this Agreement), whether or not you register as a member of the website.

This agreement sets out the legally binding terms for any users of the website and for members that maintain a directory listing or post events on the Website.

NINCo may modify this agreement from time to time and such modification shall be effective upon posting the amended terms on the Website. You agree to be bound to any changes to this agreement when you use the Website after any such modification is posted.

This agreement includes NINCo’s policy for acceptable use and content posted on the website, your rights, obligations and restrictions regarding your use of the website and the service and NINCo’s Privacy Policy.

Health services listed within the National Health Services Directory and some events on the NINCo Website (www.ninco.com.au) are provided by third parties. While this information is subject to quality assurance processes, we make no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the currency, completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or relevance of the information. You must exercise your own judgment with respect to your use of the services listed and you should carefully evaluate the currency, completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or relevance of the available information.

Please choose carefully the information you submit for your event. This information is publicly available to other website users. Any photographs posted by you must not contain nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter.

Content on the NINCo website contains links to websites other than our website. You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the content or availability of the linked websites and we do not specifically endorse any organisation, association or entity referred to or linked from, this website.

NINCo reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting or information by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or services at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.

By participating in any offline event, you agree to release and hold harmless NINCo from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind including, without limitation, personal injuries, death, and property damage, either directly or indirectly related to or arising from your participation in any such offline event.

We do not warrant that you will have continuous and uninterrupted access to the website or the services listed within the Online Service Directory or that they will conform to any particular service levels or performance specifications. We do not warrant that the website is free of any form of harmful surreptitious code, virus or other contaminants. We do not accept any liability for any interference with, or damage to, your computer systems, software or data occurring in connection with the website.

You acknowledge that your use of the website is entirely at your own risk.

To the extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude all liability for any loss, damage, expenses and costs (“Losses”) incurred by you in accessing and using the website and services listed within, including but not limited to losses caused directly or indirectly by:
a) use of the services for a purpose for which it is not intended;
b) the inability to obtain consistent, reliable and uninterrupted access to the website;
c) damage or interference to your computer, mobile device, hardware, software, equipment, a device installed on or used in connection with your computer or mobile device, your data or any other device installed or used in connection with your computer or mobile device, that arises in connection to your download or use of the website, the content in the website, services listed in the Online Service Directory or any linked website;
d) any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in the website; and
e) any default, act or omission of any person other than us.

All of the content contained within this website (www.ninco.com.au) is the copyright of Primary Care Gold Coast Limited trading as the Gold Coast Primary Health Network and is intended for general use and information only. ???

Clinicians, healthcare professionals and general website users can download resources, cache online information and print information and material for personal use. Resources that have been included on this site for wider distribution amongst professional networks, to patients and colleagues can be shared, and printed for distribution to the intended audience in an unaltered form.

Authorisation for using any of the information and images on this site for any other commercial purpose should be obtained from the Communications Department at NINCo. Unauthorised use of any images, or content on this website is prohibited.