Announcing the Launch of Modules 3 and 4 on QI101 Peak Practice: Elevating Healthcare Improvement 

We are excited to announce the launch of Modules 3 and 4 on the QI101 Peak Practice program, designed to elevate healthcare excellence through quality improvement. 

Module 3: Building a Quality Culture 

In this module, you will delve into the essence of a ‘culture of excellence’ and explore the foundational components of a learning system. You’ll learn to map stakeholders crucial for quality improvement and identify key factors that drive successful initiatives. Module 3 builds on the insights from Module 2, “The Improvement Journey,” by emphasizing that quality improvement is a continuous mindset and philosophy. By dedicating time to this process, you’ll contribute to making what you do today better than yesterday and tomorrow even better than today. 

By the end of Module 3, you will be able to: 

Module 4: The QI Approach: Discover and Diagnose 

Module 4 focuses on developing a deep understanding of identified problem areas to create a problem statement. You will learn to use data effectively to gain insights and identify the root causes, ensuring that the improvement journey is sustainable. 

By the end of Module 4, you will be able to: 

Benefits of Completing Modules 3 and 4 

By completing these modules, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to foster a culture of excellence within your practice and across the care system. You’ll be able to engage effectively with key stakeholders and set your quality improvement initiatives up for success. Additionally, you’ll develop robust problem-solving skills, enabling you to identify, diagnose, and address challenges systematically. 

Join us on the QI101 Peak Practice: Elevating Healthcare Improvement learning journey to enhance healthcare excellence and make a lasting impact on patient care. 

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